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LIFE Together is the current Gloucester Diocesan Vision. Across our Deanery, we encourage everyone in our congregations and the wider Church community to live according to the Vision; while at our Synod meetings we regularly share stories and activities from our area which show the Vision in action.
In a fast-changing world, the Church as a whole cannot stand still. Therefore as part of a wider Diocesan initiative, the Severn Vale Deanery is currently developing a Strategic Plan to help guide our future activities, with four key areas of (i) building stronger relationships with young people and their families; (ii) reaching out to those who know little about Christianity or the Church; (iii) how we organise ourselves; and (iv) the future of our church buildings.
While some of this is already being actioned, anyone who thinks they can make a useful contribution to our plans is welcome to speak to either their local minister or to one of the Synod Officers.
In the Church of England, a Deanery Synod acts as an intermediary between the Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) of each parish within the Deanery and the Diocesan Synod. It is convened by an Area (Rural) Dean and comprises all the clergy licensed within the Deanery and lay members elected by the parishes of the Deanery. Deanery Synod lay members are elected by the Annual Parish Church meeting, numerically in proportion to numbers on the Electoral Roll of the parish, and serve for three years.
Deanery Synod usually meets three times a year; meetings include reports from parishes, from the Parish Share Officer and from Diocesan and General Synods, updates on Diocesan initiatives, strategy and finance, and speakers on a wide variety of issues relevant to the Church of England. There are opportunities to share good practice and advice and learn from each others strengths.
Deanery Synod can propose motions for debate at Diocesan Synod, whose members are elected by Deanery Synod, and its members should convey information and opinion between Diocese and parish and vice versa.
The following Officers and Members constitute our Pastoral Standing Committee.
01452 713421
St John the Evangelist Church, St John's Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2DB
01452 862509
07768 326341
01452 712447
07768 326341
The following Advisors appointed within our Deanery can be contacted on their area of expertise. Please get in touch with us to obtain contact details.
Chris is willing to advise churches how to become more eco-friendly and achieve the A Rocha accreditation.
St. Giles, Maisemore
Church Road, Maisemore, Gloucestershire, GL2 8EY.
St. Michael & All Angels, Tirley
Church Road, Tirley, Gloucestershire, GL19 4HH.
St. Mary Magdalene, Boddington
Boddington Lane, Boddington, Gloucestershire, GL51 0TJ.
St. Mary & Corpus Christi, Down Hatherley
Down Hatherley Lane, Down Hatherley, Gloucestershire, GL7 9QB.
St. Michael & All Angels, Mitcheldean
High Street, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0HU.
St. Peter & St Paul, Westbury-on-Severn
with Northwood Green Mission Church and Rodley Mission Church
Gloucestershire, GL14 1PD.
St. Michael & All Angels, Bulley
Bulley Lane, Bulley, Gloucestershire, GL2 8BN.